You alone make hopes worth sharing, dreams worth daring, risks worth taking, plans worth making, life worth living, and love worth giving. To share your emotion with another is to share part of your soul.
Dedicated to my mother..... |
Your eyes so sad, yet they contradict your lips and painted smile. I see your painted happiness, yet feel your sorrow. I know you are searching for a way to save our tomorrows and escape our past. Emotion is a powerful thing, it can love, it can destroy. Each one has to make their path on the road of this emotional roller coaster ride of life. Will you join me and ride together ?
Dedicated to anyone with love in there heart for another..... |

Blazing sunset splits the blue horizon as red-gold flames streak the western sky, molten sun sinks in fiery incandescence, its shards of goldenlight, ashen in the falling night. Hazy afterglow fades into twilight, as gray-white dusk fills the pallid heavens. Iridescent moon rises in shimmery opalescence, it's crescent-cast configuration, luminous in the darkening sky. Glacial midnight frosts, the astral sphere, as charcoal-black infinity conceals the firmament, brilliant stars flash in shiny phosphorescence, their nocturnal glittering in the night sky. How the emotions begin to flood through our being. |

To rewire a society cauterized by unconcern and thrust through dusty cobwebs of convention. To bend forward without being afraid to break and flush fatty acids clogging communication veins. To activate passive energy reserves and oil frustrated fingers on rusty hands. To close all open circuits and place a kiss upon your lips numbered by indifference. An armageddon operation to rouse the sleeping beauty, sleeping is all our emotions, it is one of the things we so look for and strive to see. |
Emotions can be such an over powering feeling, it can turn into something so deeply wanted and needed. Yet we choose to hide our emotions as if we are afraid to feel or want. To share your emotion with someone special is a thing we are all made of. To share is human. Never let go of the humanity in sharing, and being with the ones we love. |
Reach into me, look deeply past the fears, pain and heartache. There are emotions within. Some may never see them, but they are there, so alive, so ready to fall from my very being into a heart, a soul, into another like me. |
Souls loved by other souls, love is there so sweet n pure. Hearts mingling with one another in life's search for the love of our soul. Life, what can life teach anymore, teach us to know, to see we are all alive in our souls. God is there watching us, He may not answer the prayers we feel need to be in our way, but he answers in His way. |