Gone is the sharing presence of you, of me. I would like to feel and experience me being me with you, as well as, you being you with me. No fear of each other, or ourselves, just being together again. Oh I long for that feeling from you. When do we know, when do we realize it's gone forever.
Dedicated to my friends....... |

I received a message, you had called, returning your call, I couldn't dial fast enough. Love was still in my heart, illusions filled my head. True love I thought, finally found, then it was gone.. You replied with hello, in the old familiar way, that always brought a tear of joy to my eye, that now causes tears of pain. My excitement answered all my questions, as to why you called, but hearing you, only makes it harder to be apart. Why did you call, you are a love gone away from me, never to be, not that it should be. My heart is in great pain, agony at it's worst. I don't understand a love that would last forever if you went away. Now you've called. What does his heart want...... |

I had time to dream today. I thought of long ago, and the dreams I tried to build with you along the way, of all the yesterdays we had to share. Looking back, those dreams were real, for me. I had time to realize today, that those dreams of love, were a mirror image of what I alone felt for you. Still today, looking inside myself to see me, I only find you..... |
The unsureness if an oncoming storm slides like a car into the lap of a snowbank. And no single set of chains could ever contain your heart, not even the purest of all loves.
Dedicated to Shanon "Margarita_Mama" |
How does one start, what should the phrase be to express a love so deep within your soul in so many ways? Will it change that you've gone, left me alone? Can feelings be heard, or forced into expression, or serious mutterings? Are explainations necessary, desired or otherwise, when emotions clearly state it from the eyes? No matter how you say it, it won't change that you are gone, gone away from me.
Dedicated to " Bobby " |
Her heart is telling her to hang on for dear life, deep down she knows he's let go. She knows he will never be there, as she so needs. A man that's letting go of a woman holding on. Her heart breaks, as every day comes n goes. He sees this, he tried, but now she's the one letting go. Was it too late, was he not capable of seeing what was once there......? |