My hesitance in those quiet fleeting moments, when you are near me. Although you were so close, Close enough for your sweet breath to pulse against my face, I could not bring myself to touch you. Because in the warmth of that one brief moment in time, your caresses may have vanished forever, leaving my dream. The world in all the spinning glory would have ceased, leaving me all alone again with me, and only an empty memory of you, of me, of us. I opened my eyes today. This is a dream, a dream of " You " |

They call her beautiful, now I understand why. A statement hard for her to accept, easier for her to deny. I watched as she hugged her daughter, holding her gently, she smiled so lovingly to her mother. They walked on in, and I just watched, what a mother showing her love in a way unlike any I have ever seen. This is a dream of love that all mothers share with their children. To see so much love in her eyes for her daughter, Everyone should want to vision within this dream. For she truly is as beautiful as a dream...
Dedicated to Shannon "Margarita-Mama" |
Dreamers can dream so far up within, that no one can reach them, to be capable of dreaming so high, not one being can take your dreams away.... |
Why do we sometimes have the same reoccuring dream ? Is someone trying to tell us something ? Is there something happening, or about to happen, in our lives that we are unaware of, yet we see it through our dreams ?
I don't have the answers to my dreams. I wish that I did. Then I could see all the things I long to know.
All I can say about my dreams is this...
Without dreams you are dreamless, without dreams you may never see what lies ahead, without dreams you may take a path in your life that you would have walked by. Dreams are sometimes like birds. Without wings they can not fly, without dreams you wither and die. |