These pages are dedicated to the ones that
have shared their poetry with me, and
given me permission to post it on my
site.  I want to say thank you to each
one of them.  As I have, they have
hearts, and know how to express it in
the beautiful words they have written.......
We find ourselves telling each other the deepest details of our lives, things we don't even share with our families.  But what is a friend ?  A confidant ?  A heart to feel ?  A friend is all of those things, and so much more.  No matter where we met, no matter how long we've been together, I call you a friend.  A word so small, yet so large in feeling.  A word filled with emotion, a word overflowing with LOVE.....
Truly great things come in small packages, once the package of friendship is opened, it can never be closed again.  It is a constant book waiting,,waiting to be read and enjoyed. We may have disagreements, we may have our disappointments, we may argue, we may concern one another... Friendship is a unique bond that lasts through tribulations.
A part of each of us goes into our friendships, our humor, our experiences, and our tears.
Friendships are foundations, necessary for life and love.  Friends,, you and me. You brought another friend, and then there was three, we started our group, our circle of friends.  There is no beginning, there is no end.
Even though I don't speak to you everyday, or even as often as I would like to, You have all crossed my path of life in one way or another.  Some of you I've only bumped into, some have walked a while with me, but don't ever think for a second, that since we aren't in constant contact, that I don't think of you all. Because if it weren't for coming across all of YOU, Who knows ? I  would be a completely different person and well,,, I'm happy with how I've turned out so far..

This was sent to me from  one of the dearest friends I met,
Shannon "Margarita_Mama"

I still to this day cherish this you sent......
As we sit in the church our minds are not always on the services.  We look around at everyone who came out for the service, not all the members are there.  We wonder if that is the same dress some of the ladies, and the same suits some of the men wore last week. We look around more, and wonder where our absent members are. Maybe they had to do the dishes or clean the house, they seem to not be able to do that and attend the services too.
They could be at the grocery store or at the car lot.  It's more important to come to church and worship God, than to go to those places.
Some, so called "members," would rather go to bingo or stay home if their spouses don't want to come out for the services, or maybe they had company and had to stay home to entertain them.
Do you think all this is pleasing to God ?  We live in a free country and attend the schools and churches of our choice, we have free speech and are free to come and go as we please.
Everyone shoud go to the services through the week and on Sunday.  We all need God in our lives. We need to thank him everyday for all he has given to us.  We must thank him for our lives.
Mine is nearly at an end now.  My daughter tries to help me to live a good life, but she too has been hurt by lifes trials, and now hides all herself from the world and from God.   I pray everyday when God comes to call on me that he will also leave a special angel here to help to take care of my precious daughter Lisa.
God hear my prayer now.  Protect my little girl.  We lost a lot in our lives, but now we have each other.  I know I have to leave this world, and I know she has to stay.  She's fragile and scared, but hides it so well.  Leave one of your angels here to guide her as you take me to my place of love and peace.  This is my final prayer

Written by : Ethel J. Cave ( My mother )