How your scent lingers long after you've gone, how you ran your fingers through my hair, how you softly stroked my face. So strong and wild, yet slow, and deeply the feelings surrounded me. What a world waiting within you to be free, what fear you have shown to me. Let me help you, be your guide, let me show you that you are alive.
Dedicated to the " Un_Named " |

How magical you are, you touch so very alive with emotion, how you touched every part of me with your hands, your breath, your own self, from within. Remembering all that we have shared, all the emotion with no words spoken at all. I couldn't change who I am for another, yet you allowed me to be "me" from within, and yet you showed me it was ok to be "me" with you. I sometimes remember how I looked for "me," then you came along, and you, with your touch of a warm soul, showed me, helped me to find what is inside, through all your caring. How do we hold onto our memories forever, when they are gone.
Dedicated to the " Un_Named" with every thing in my soul forever your's... |

It's never too late for those who love, even when they are far apart. Where ever they shall be, there shall always be a small light, sparkling of a memory of a new tomorrow. Loneliness, with a sparkling promise of a new day, remember, it's never too late to say you're sorry, if there was once love there.
Dedicated to the ones that find it hard to be apart from the one they love. |
My memories so clear, of the laughter we once shared, I told you of my feelings, and that I really did care. Your smiling face, so full of happiness and joy, now I have gone and fallen in love with you. Now it's all over it seems, and through, but there are some things I feel I need to say. It was hard adjusting to being without you, it's hard to handle the pain, however, you I shall never blame. If you see me on the street, remember us and our sharing, stop and say HI... But when you leave, never say Good-Bye, just hold fast to the memory. |

How sad it is to go to sleep alone, to face the dreams of night, to sleep in discomfort. When birds are not in flight, give me your heart. Love me tenderly, hold me in gentleness. Come walk with me in the memory of what we had, what we wanted. How sad it is to wake up alone, to face another routine day. To waken to the sound of cars moving along the highway. Give me your hand, I want to set you free, take me from my memory, and hold me with open arms. Come walk with me through the remembering, leave the pain behind, for all we have is our memory.. |