I'm sorry things have been difficult for us lately. Our relationship means everything to me, and when things don't go right between us, nothing seems right at all. I'm going to do all that I can to make things better. There's no sacrifice big enough to interfere with doing my best to please you. Your happiness is everything. I want us to always have that happiness and peace in our lives. Always remember how much I care for you, and how very much I love you.......
Dedicated with all my love to anyone having a hard time seeing. |
The feeling inside can't be explained with words or wishes. It has no name, yet it's a feeling of want, need, and caring. A feeling like this is hard to find, I knew it was there the very first time. I couldn't ever even if I wanted to, I could never forget the feeling inside...
Dedicated to " Special One " |
I wanted to find the perfect words to make you realize how much I need and love you, but words continue to elude me. What would they be ? Something poetic ? I'm sure heartfelt, and out of the ordinary. I'm afraid it's no use, everytime I look at you, the words come out the same... I LOVE YOU...
Dedicate to " My friends off line " |

Sometimes it may not seem that I love you. Sometimes it may not seem that I even like you. It is at these times that you need to understand me more than ever before. Because it is at these times that I love you even more, but my feelings have been hurt. Even though I try not to, I know I am acting cold and indifferent. It is at these times I find it hard to express my feelings. Often, what you have done to hurt my feelings is so small, but when you love someone like I love you, small things become big things, and the first thing I think about is that you don't love me anymore. Please be patient with me. I'm trying not to be so sensitive. But in the meantime, I think you should be very confident that at all times, in every way possible, I love you...
Dedicated to " Un_Named " |

I will give as much as I can. If you will show me how to give you more, then I shall give you more. I can only give as much as you need to receive and allow me to give, then my love is endless and fulfilled. If you receive a portion of my love, then I will give others the balance. I am capable of giving, and must give all that I can, being who I am ........
Dedicated to " Un_Named " |

One of the most valueable lessons we can learn from life is this, that try as we might, we will never have all the answers. We can wonder for the rest of our days whether we are doing the right thing, continuing in the best relationship, and following the best paths toward tomorrow. But no one is ever going to answer these questions for us. We both may have wonderings of what to do, and curiosities of what's to come. Time will help us with the results, but more than any one thing, it's up to US, and the feelings we have for each other, to go in the right directions. You and I sometimes wonder where we're headed, and whether our feelings are right, or will last. We may not know the answers, but I'll tell you one thing I do know... There's no one I'd rather try to spend forever with than YOU..
Dedicated to " Un_Named " |